Monday, August 4, 2008

Class Activity 2 : Characteristics of Perkins & Foxley

Hi again,

Based on what we've discussed on the above, do remember these important points to include in your group discussions. (Answers to be done on A4 paper - please include names for all group members)

** Submission - 12th August in class

1. Characters -
(a) Perkins
(b) Foxley

2. Positive & negative aspects of their characteristics

3. As a child (young/ school going person) or as an adult (mature person) for each of them.

4. Any other comments?

mdm d3wi


Blogger Benjamin said...

Mdm Dewi i dont understand question 3 can u please tell me what u are asking for. Thank you

August 6, 2008 at 6:41 AM 
Blogger The Class:1E3 said...

hello benjamin,

remember in class i told u pple that whenever i ask abt a person's characteristics, you should not just answer straightaway..but instead ponder & ask me back "which aspects of the characteristics that you want - the negative or the postive?"...well, that's what I'm talking abt :)
unsure still, sms me k?

August 7, 2008 at 10:13 AM 

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