Monday, July 14, 2008
MFTS in a nutshell..
Notes on MFTS (in a nutshell/summary)The story "Man From The South" by Roald Dahl deals with the concerns of the mutilator rather than the mutilated.
· It is the story of a bet.
· A chance meeting of a rich-looking South American and a North American boy lead to a bet: the stakes are a Cadillac car against the little finger of the boy's left hand.
· The bet is that the boy's cigarette lighter will not light on the first strike ten consecutive times.
· The man from the south collects fingers.
· After the seventh successful strike and before the eighth attempt a woman bursts into the hotel room and grabs the man, her husband.
· She tells the others that the man, her husband, has no possessions of his own except a collection of forty-seven fingers.
· When she picks up the keys of her Cadillac, they see her hand: it has only the index finger and thumb left.
· The surface meaning of this story, mythic in its simplicity, is that everything has its price and that different people value things differently.
· The story is very skilfully written so that curiosity about the possible motives of the finger collector is never encouraged.
· We never wonder why he collects fingers.
mdm d3wi
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